This blog is written for Canadians. Although, if you are not a Canadian, you may find it interesting. So read on.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Toronto Injection Sites 14
James Bredin
People of Toronto are in the dark about injection sites,
They might get one nextdoor in the middle a very dark night,
Because democracy doesn't seem to count on issues like this,
Let's hope we don't regret this if and when we reminisce.
This issue is not the sites so much as the folk who come and go,
Drug addicts who bought their drugs on the street with lots of dough,
Already have a needle exchange, complements of you and me,
They wont allow us binding referendums and they say we agree.
Our politicians like this system with no term limits in place,
Therefore some stay for life and look you right in the face,
Site funding from the Ontario HIV treatment network,
Could injection sites in this network be berserk.
Jan 30th, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Advice to the Governor General
James Bredin
Next time he wants to prorogue parliament, tell him, "No!"
Tell him to establish binding referendums and make it so,
Tell him to abolish the appointed senate of friends,
And make the Charter for only Canadians with amends.
Tell him to take a stand for us, unlike his predecessors,
A long line of pompous useless political predators,
And when we talk of him in the past tense and ask what did he do?
We will know for sure, he was special, helped us out but it was due.
But of course you wont and no one knows for sure what's your view,
Except closed down parliament twice so changes are overdue,
I know I should apologize for being the first one to tell you,
But Canadians are too politically correct to review.
Jan 29th, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Toronto injection sites 13
James Bredin
Supervised injection sites like those in Vancouver downtown,
Might be imposed in Toronto by advocates who don't fool around,
I'm sorry to keep mentioning something they have almost hid,
But once they're established they're impossible to get rid.
This will be done for the criminal drug addicts' delights,
And we will love them because it's all being done for human rights,
A controlled environment for those who buy drugs on the street,
They have doctors and lawyers and clinics and hospitals and priests.
They deny that they are recommending these injection sites,
It's only a study in Toronto to help human rights,
But it might be Ottawa that receives their injection sites,
Ottawa deserves these sites with Trudeau's Charter of Rights.
Jan 28th, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Toronto Injection Sites 12
James Bredin
A little more than half Canadians even bother to vote,
Therefore lazy incumbent politicians have us by the throat,
Democracy should run with input from many many more,
Therefore compulsory voting and Internet voting galore.
City sanctioned study of injection site feasibility,
Vancouver style human rights for drug addicted nobility,
Toronto Public Health drug strategy if you can believe,
Is it possible that the people of Toronto are this naive?
Internet voting might solve some of these and more problems,
Especially for the many sitting in front of computer modems,
But those who make the rules want everything to stay the same,
Don't rock the boat or dare even think of change and what's your name?
Jan 27th, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
James Bredin
A city-sanctioned study to examine injection sites,
Paid for by your very high taxes disguised as human rights,
City condoning illegal heroin and crack drug use,
City Council does not consider this as power abuse.
All symptoms of a very sick system in need of repair,
Attempting to pay their colleagues high legal bills in despair,
And injection sites for every drug criminal addict in town,
The people of Toronto seem to love it all so calm down.
Term limits should be two and Internet voting allowed,
These proposals will of course be opposed by the present crowd,
Some have been in office for longer than most people are alive,
It's a wonder that Toronto has been able to survive.
Jan 26th, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
James Bredin
Toronto City Council reminds me of a horror movie,
They consider their manipulations and agendas groovy,
Caught between the devil, the civil suits and injection sites,
Add to that, they are also deep into homelessness and human rights.
You can step over those sleeping on the street near City Hall,
And City Council will never allow for political recall,
And if they put an injection site on or near your street,
You will be delighted by the strange people you will meet.
Political parties are forbidden at City Hall for some reason,
Usual Toronto City Council standard in their silly season,
And of course the soft-on-crime courts fill up the streets,
Councilors want to stay forever in their council seats,
Jan 25th, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
James Bredin
We have no control of politicians so law suits are here,
Binding referendums would be a better way, without fear,
But binding referendums are forbidden where it could count,
And we could control Toronto City Council and their accounts.
As they hire their friendly consultants and we are left out,
Never tell the people what injection sites are all about,
We are merely numbers in a constituency barrel,
As they pretend they know what they are doing, to our peril.
History has shown that when people are laid back, tyrants take over,
Could be Nazis, Communists or nasty drug addicts moreover,
Democracy is not a gift with their hidden agenda plans,
Where people input and binding referendums are banned.
Jan 24th, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Toronto Injection Sites 8
James Bredin
The pompous soft-on-crime radicals are now pulling the strings,
As they want needle exchange and injection sites and what this brings,
While we, the politically correct are trained to not talk back,
We are not politicians so shut up stay off their track.
We need more, better and bigger jails instead of injection sites,
What else can stupid politicians think up for human rights?
There is no doubt that some of our politicians should be in jail,
But how to put them there soon, without bail and without fail?
But something is dreadfully wrong that we're not allowed to see,
Can't have binding referendums so you're compelled to agree,
That's how the Nazis and Communists did it way over there,
No one protested and eventually it was too late to beware.
Jan 23rd, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
Injection sites 7
James Bredin
Where are the politicians that say, "Injection sites not allowed"?
Why can't they stand up and shout and be heard above the crowd?
Injection sites for illegal drugs are just banned in our town,
And all those needle-exchange sites should also be shut down.
Stricter courts and larger prisons could solve this little matter,
And advocates for injection sites could then cease their chatter,
Toronto has to return to the fifties or sixties once more,
When judges and justices in the courtrooms knew the score.
Of course we need to change a few of the newer vagrancy laws,
Get back to where we were before we got their stupid flaws,
And not just Toronto City Council but Ottawa too,
And when parliament finally opens again; do something new.
Jan 22nd, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
James Bredin
Are these injection sites they talk about, a symptom of our times?
Where the courts have gone overboard about being soft on these crimes,
Where the advocates pretend they want input from you and from me,
With our input, they can then pretend and lie and say we all agree.
We are not allowed referendums on this important symptom,
We shut up and stay quiet and that's a Canadian custom,
Because they know what the result of a referendum would be,
Democracy is what they want to avoid at all costs, you see.
Our loony left politicians are more useless than our soft-on-crime courts,
They spend their time taxing, spending, traveling and watching sports,
But not one of them for one minute has a clue what's going on,
So it's injection sites soon, all day and all night till dawn.
Jan 21st, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
James Bredin
Only politicians can speak out of both sides of their mouth,
As they pretend to know what injection sites are all about,
Catering to criminals and drug addicts doing illegal drugs,
Supervised they claim in a controlled environment for thugs.
And not just Toronto but Ottawa too and so few knew,
They have their own secret drug agenda and it involves you,
Their so called research will tell them what they can get away with here,
But they emphasize about HIV and hep C; is that clear?
Those opposed to their drug strategy will just have to shut up,
Because they say that the needle exchange sites are not good enough,
But why do we cater to these drug users instead of jail?
And leave them in there for many years and make sure they get no bail.
Jan 20th, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
James Bredin
They deny that they are condoning the use of illegal drugs,
Still they seem to be assisting these drug addicted thugs,
They want injection sites but they wont say exactly where,
As they stay at Toronto City Council through this whole affair.
The advocates and odd funding manipulate politicians,
A carbon copy of the Vancouver site is their hidden ambitions,
It's hard to believe in this day and age, we're being led down this path,
No one seems to think much about the manipulated aftermath.
A small group of organized exponents preach this madness,
Catering to the illegal use of drugs and other extreme sadness,
As we look on helplessly afraid to speak up and get involved,
As the answers to Toronto's problems are far from getting solved.
Jan 19th, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
James Bredin
Ottawa lost a court appeal case about drug injection sites,
Toronto City Council has sanctioned a study to addicts delights,
Therefore injections sites could be coming to a place very near you,
We're all going down this stinking sewer together so don't feel blue.
Toronto public health drug strategy is the fancy prance name,
A roundabout way of giving permission to drug user game,
These drug-use advocates will give their permission soon enough,
And you still don't have a clue so it will be pretty rough.
Oh... and there's a City Council election coming up soon,
Drug users and certain councilors await the opportune,
It's the natural next step to the needle exchange place,
We have no control, no referendums and it's right in our face.
Jan 18th, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
James Bredin
There's no doubt they'll have a program with a very fancy name,
Advocates will claim that there's proper supervision so no shame,
And heroin addicts with their illegal drugs can come and go,
Where and how they got these drugs though, the police can't know.
The trained staff will have sterile equipment for heroin addicts,
It doesn't matter if they are wanted by the cops in legal conflicts,
Advocate phony statistic research numbers will say this is good,
And should spread to other cities immediately; is that understood?
They claim to offer addiction counselling and treat disease,
For an escaped criminal drug addict, this should be a breeze,
And "Everyone" can always claim their Trudeau Charter Rights,
That plus the soft-on-crime courts makes for criminal delights.
Jan 17th, 2010
Saturday, January 16, 2010
James Bredin
Do they want to open an injection site maybe next door to you,
They'll call it a health clinic but it's not for sickness or the flu,
For heroin addicts to inject themselves with illegal drugs,
And the cops will have to tolerate these criminals and thugs.
They'll cover their backs by calling these illegal sites, health clinics,
A semi provincial legal term to calm down cynics,
They consider injecting illegal heroin as health care,
No one can question Canadian health care and no one would dare.
How far down this mentally-ill, illegal-drug road can we go?
Add to that, the lenient court system and we have to kowtow,
They're claiming Charter Rights for drug addicts but that's not new,
Can't build bigger and better jails for profit but who knew?
Jan 16th, 2010
Thursday, January 14, 2010
James Bredin
We don't seem to have any control over silly City Hall,
They seem to do what they like while we have to accept it and bawl,
The mere suggestion that maybe we should change things down there,
Maybe binding referendums and they would be more aware.
They consider this type of suggestion as more than heresy,
Like an oncoming global-warming climate-change prophesy,
They will not nod or listen or even give you the time of day,
Who are you to ask question make rules and get in their way?
The city is broke with a five hundred million dollar shortfall,
Don't ask a politician because they know nothing at all,
You might wonder why and how a city could be in such a mess,
Waiting for the Pan Am Games to tax and spend more and impress.
Jan 13th, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
James Bredin
The idea of single-family neighborhoods may be on the block,
It was an old cherished idea but we could be in for a shock,
The developers can't make any money if things don't change,
Are city councilors listening to them and why is that so strange?
The decision about rooming houses has been delayed once more,
Decisions like this are easy to delay but hard to ignore,
Street people, hookers, panhandlers and whores living nextdoor,
Nice people except for the screeching and screaming all night galore.
And the left-wing-socialist media seem to think this is great,
We will know whose side they are on if it ever comes up for debate,
Of course they live in condominiums looking out at the lake,
They are not likely much involved and have nothing at stake.
Jan 11th, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
James Bredin
Toronto has municipal elections every four years,
Many councilors stay on the job for life and have no fears,
Some have been there since long before many voters were born,
To question this election system, is to bring left-wing scorn.
There's a need to make garbage pickup an essential service,
Unionized municipal workers make politicians nervous,
So we could have another garbage or TTC strike soon,
That subway trip is not a sure thing now or in the afternoon.
The need for reform is urgent and get rid of first past the post,
Online voting and proportional representation diagnosed,
We need term limits and binding referendums at street level,
Political recall where life-time politicians revel.
Jan 11th, 2010
Sunday, January 10, 2010
James Bredin
About twenty percent of Toronto even bothers to vote,
No political parties so it's name recognition they promote,
But they do know they had a garbage strike for a month last year,
And most of the same politicians are still here without fear.
Politicians don't even canvas because they are locked in,
People preprogrammed so that politicians have to win,
No referendums or proportional representation here,
Left-wing media tend to go along with this without fear.
Many of the voters were not born when they were first elected,
Politicians who did nothing but got slush-fund connected,
Newsletters and fridge magnets, patting themselves on the back,
Thinly disguised vote buying and everything is on track.
Jan 9th, 2010
James Bredin
About twenty percent of Toronto even bothers to vote,
No political parties so it's name recognition they promote,
But they do know they had a garbage strike for a month last year,
And most of the same politicians are still here without fear.
Politicians don't even canvas because they are locked in,
People preprogrammed so that politicians have to win,
No referendums or proportional representation here,
Left-wing media tend to go along with this without fear.
Many of the voters were not born when they were first elected,
Politicians who did nothing but got slush-fund connected,
Newsletters and fridge magnets, patting themselves on the back,
Thinly disguised vote buying and everything is on track.
Jan 9th, 2010
Friday, January 8, 2010
Toronto City Council # 2
James Bredin
Our politicians gave us a garbage strike in 2009,
Most of them are still there and want to stay for life and that's fine,
Talk about the environment and forget pot holes in the road,
Don't ask them a question because they tend to talk in code.
Enough socialism to make an ardent communist blush,
Like real religious fanatics trying for communal mush,
While various budget committee members make decisions,
On their own agendas and overspend Toronto's provisions.
There are no political parties allowed down at street level,
Tied to this group or that group but not in league with the devil,
And there's worse, much worse, as provincial politicians look on,
Occasionally they too try to look intelligent as they yawn.
Jan 8th, 2010
Thursday, January 7, 2010
James Bredin
New faces on Toronto City Council are extremely rare,
Because many of the old ones want to spend all their lives there,
Because we have no term limits so they're allowed to do that,
Therefore few people bother to vote and there is no real combat.
These Toronto politicians scare the hell out of me,
They brought us the 2009 garbage strike and not for free,
But we're going to get a new Toronto mayor soon and thank God,
But which new do-nothing lazy idiot will get the nod?
As they pompously line up to register for the election,
Names that mean little or nothing to anyone's recollection,
They want a soft job for life at Toronto silly city hall,
Even party politics would help us make the election call.
Jan 7th, 2010
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
James Bredin
Being tough on crime, they say, accomplishes nothing except cost,
And going down this tough-on-crime road, they say, could be a big loss,
Because, they say, prisons are only schools for more crime
Therefore we should find another way than prisoners doing time
I should apologize for my intelligent suggestions,
Though politicians are only interested in elections,
Ex prisoners who re offend should be kept in for life,
Mandatory long sentence if they used a gun or a knife.
We need a US style prison-for-profit system here.
Less expensive than our crazy soft system without fear,
Those who release violent criminals on bail should do their time,
Terrorists and those inclined, should stay in jail for life for their crimes.
Jan 5th, 2010
Sunday, January 3, 2010
James Bredin
Very few people in Ontario even bother to vote,
But this doesn't bother the politicians who are on remote,
Cushioned by the political party system of disguised poop,
Captured by some politically-correct nonsense group.
They want to tax and spend and lie and then tax and spend and lie more,
You wonder how they got where they are and still not know the score,
We can't vote for our prime minister because that's against their rules,
We can't have binding referendums because they know we are fools.
They do and decide what they like in Ottawa committee rooms,
These days they get worked up about climate change exhaust fumes,
Now if we could only impress them about binding referendums,
But they're busy buying Ottawa condominiums.
Jan 3rd, 2010
Saturday, January 2, 2010
James Bredin
There is child poverty but it's the mothers who tend to groan,
Living on welfare in public housing, talking on a cell phone,
There is no need to get a husband if the state supports their kids,
She gets an apartment or a house instead of being on the skids.
There's no need to be a father if the state does the job,
Therefore hidden in the welfare system is a fatherless mob,
Where without fathers, gangs and guns are completely out of hand,
And people trapped and caught in the ghetto have no command.
Are we too far gone down this socialist road to circumvent?
What can we do to prevent this continued socialist descent?
Has the religion of political correctness taken hold?
When was the last time you saw a politician who was bold?
Jan 2nd 2010
James Bredin
There is child poverty but it's the mothers who tend to groan,
Living on welfare in public housing, talking on a cell phone,
There is no need to get a husband if the state supports their kids,
She gets an apartment or a house instead of being on the skids.
There's no need to be a father if the state does the job,
Therefore hidden in the welfare system is a fatherless mob,
Where without fathers, gangs and guns are completely out of hand,
And people trapped and caught in the ghetto have no command.
Are we too far gone down this socialist road to circumvent?
What can we do to prevent this continued socialist descent?
Has the religion of political correctness taken hold?
When was the last time you saw a politician who was bold?
Jan 2nd 2010
James Bredin
There is child poverty but it's the mothers who tend to groan,
Living on welfare in public housing, talking on a cell phone,
There is no need to get a husband if the state supports their kids,
She gets an apartment or a house instead of being on the skids.
There's no need to be a father if the state does the job,
Therefore hidden in the welfare system is a fatherless mob,
Where without fathers, gangs and guns are completely out of hand,
And people trapped and caught in the ghetto have no command.
Are we too far gone down this socialist road to circumvent?
What can we do to prevent this continued socialist descent?
Has the religion of political correctness taken hold?
When was the last time you saw a politician who was bold?
Jan 2nd 2010
James Bredin
There is child poverty but it's the mothers who tend to groan,
Living on welfare in public housing, talking on a cell phone,
There is no need to get a husband if the state supports their kids,
She gets an apartment or a house instead of being on the skids.
There's no need to be a father if the state does the job,
Therefore hidden in the welfare system is a fatherless mob,
Where without fathers, gangs and guns are completely out of hand,
And people trapped and caught in the ghetto have no command.
Are we too far gone down this socialist road to circumvent?
What can we do to prevent this continued socialist descent?
Has the religion of political correctness taken hold?
When was the last time you saw a politician who was bold?
Jan 2nd 2010
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