Sunday, February 28, 2010

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Privately Run Jails
James Bredin

Proportional representation may be a deadly sin,
The way our politicians look at it, they feel they can't win,
Therefore it's banned outright and cannot be whispered or spoken,
Or the constitution or Trudeau's Charter might be broken.

And the media trained people go along with the notion,
Left-wing propaganda with no changes allowed or commotion,
No recall and no binding referendums will be allowed,
Where soft-on-crime courts and appointed judges feel so proud.

The people want all criminals to be named and stay in jail,
Not still unknown, moving around committing more crimes while on bail,
Why should this be so difficult to explain and understand?
We need bigger and privately run jails in this great land.

Feb 28th, 2010

Saturday, February 27, 2010

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First Past the Post 2
James Bredin

If three candidates run for election, two of the three will loose,
Though the winner will have less votes than the two, it's not abuse,
It's called first-past-the-post -- not proportional representation,
Which most of the world has adopted because of frustration.

Unfortunately our politicians seem to oppose this scheme,
Though they know that first-past-the-post could be political extreme,
Changes are strictly forbidden in their democratic delay,
Though they know it could improve elections but they wont say.

Maybe some day in the distant future, we'll see a change,
We have no binding referendums so we just can't arrange,
Various committees will study this issue and report,
But in first-past-the-post system they don't need your support.

Feb 27th, 2010

Friday, February 26, 2010

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Proportional Representation Forever Delayed
James Bredin

The people want better ballots but politicians wont allow,
They want to maintain their first-past-the-post system as it is now,
Where the political loosers take most of the people's votes,
And proportional representation is something no one promotes.

The winner of an election does not need a majority,
Reality and first-past-the-post says a minority,
Therefore most of the electorate are not represented,
Where electoral changes are said to be resented.

Most of the world has switched to proportional representation,
After a lot of lack of representation and frustration,
But our appointees, politicians and media want no change,
Are we missing something here because it does seem strange?

Feb 26th, 2010

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

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James Bredin

Is there a point where human rights and criminal rights meet?
Is it at their injection sites, their needle exchange sites or the street?
Is it in the court house where soft-on-crime decisions are made?
How can we get away from their judicial masquerade?

What caused this: a federal, provincial or a UN Act?
Amnesty International agency or a Supreme Court fact?
Do criminals have more Charter rights and have we lost our way?
Why have all court decisions gone soft and our feet stuck in clay?

Do we need binding referendums just to get back on track?
Or should we consult with a heroin addict doing crack?
Are we so afraid we might discriminate that we can't think?
Did that criminal just get off with a wink, to see his shrink?

Feb 23rd 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

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Can we improve the system?
James Bredin
Appointed senators have always voted the way they were told,
Because Canadian appointees are not allowed to be bold,
Appointed governor generals too are not allowed to change,
Democratically speaking, this might seem quite strange.

The people can slightly change things on an election day,
But most Canadians don't believe it and many stay away,
First past the post may allow a big time looser to win,
Because the majority of the voters voted against him.

Proportional representation is forbidden and can't be used,
This is one of the reasons why Canadians feel abused,
Binding referendums have also always been banned,
Though the Swiss have had them for years and it was always well planned.

Feb 23rd, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

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James Bredin

You wont read this in the media because they play the same game,
In their Canadian establishment compelled to stay the same,
Our organized political systems are forbidden to change
Senators and governor generals will all be arranged.

Without Swiss style binding referendums; we're going no where fast,
Can't come into modern times because we're stuck in the past,
How to get this message to those at the top of the political pile?
Without binding referendums, they just tell us to wait a while.

Legal euthanasia is supported by Canadian folk,
This is quite different than the elites who hide in the smoke,
They refuse to touch euthanasia with a ten foot pole,
It's not part of their politically correct left/right wing goal.

Feb 22rd, 2010

Sunday, February 21, 2010

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James Bredin

Why can the Swiss have binding referendums and we can't?
Plus the Swiss have euthanasia while we complain and rant?
While our media still tells us that we should be pompously proud,
And we should fall in line behind the politically correct crowd.

A million appointees in Ottawa don't find this very strange,
They are dedicated to the notion that there will be no change,
And binding referendums will be forever disapproved,
And appointees who do not quietly agree may be removed.

As we watch senators get appointed by one of their friends,
No relation to democracy that these actions transcend,
Those into democracy can see the hidden party hook,
Friends of friends in high places singing from the same hymn book.

Feb 21st, 2010

Friday, February 19, 2010

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Honest Politicians and Change
James Bredin

Canadians can think and come to a conclusion but that is all,
We can't change a flaw in a law while up against a wall,
Without binding referendums, our politicians don't care,
We constituents are merely numbers who don't have a prayer.

Why do some of our politicians seem to like injection sites?
Claiming it's a health issue and everything's fine and alright,
Why so many lenient soft-on-crime judges appointed and acclaimed?
Why so many vicious young criminals who can't be named?

Is this not enough proof that we have gone off the deep end?
And these do-gooder types are going to sent us around the bend,
And despite all these flaws, we are completely unable to change,
Binding referendums are then forbidden and can't be arranged.

Feb 19th, 2010

Thursday, February 18, 2010

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Canadian Youth Criminal Justice Act
James Bredin

Three-month sentences for cruel criminals is not the way to go,
But soft-on-crime politically correct judges think they know,
Then it gets worse with their lenient Youth Criminal Justice Act,
Where violent vicious murderers can't be named and that's a fact.

Psychiatrist said he was likely to offend again, more,
Politicians refuse to change the law because it's a chore,
And the people are expected to never show their distaste,
Be quiet, silent and submissive and never show your face.

It appears as though we've gone soft and crazy in this great land,
With gutless wimpy politicians who tend to follow the band,
Injection sites and needle exchange places coming our way,
No binding referendums allowed so we better learn to pray.

Feb 18th, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

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How do we impress those in high places?
James Bredin

It's as though some weird cabal has taken charge of this great land,
It's known as political correctness and they're almost in command,
Their influence comes seeping through in every political change,
Injection sites and needle exchange sites and no one thinks its strange.

Sentenced criminals eligible for parole in about ten days
Soft on crime, pre-trial time and many other custody delays,
Binding referendums and proportional representation forbidden,
Politicians that promised not to increase taxes but didn't.

How do we go about getting an elected Senate please?
And an elected governor general who can appease,
And keeping criminals in jail until their sentence is done,
Especially those who have been in before and known to use a gun.

Feb 17th, 2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

free countersDon't you dare complain
James Bredin

Could the politically correct be compared to religious nuts?
Have our politicians ever shown that they have the slightest guts?
Are we compelled to be obedient, quiet and obey?
And believe that soft-on-crime judges have not gone astray.

Can't have binding referendums, to bring change to our nation,
Also forbidden is proportional representation,
We have injection site and needle exchange places here and there,
Where first past the post elections are considered quite fair.

And no one, absolutely no one will dare say a word,
Either from the establishment media or the underworld,
Oh but everything is great so no one can ever complain,
And this is what they will say in their next election campaign.

Feb 16th, 2010

Monday, February 15, 2010

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Don't ever fall in love
James Bredin

What can we do to bring about a political right turn?
Away from injection sites and needle-exchange concern,
Away from judges who are soft on crime and believe this is not strange,
Where young offenders can't be named as though we're the ones deranged.

A complete Senate of disciplined appointees who are not free,
And where we can't see the empty parliamentary seats on TV,
Where proportional representation is a forbidden sin,
And those into first-past-the-post know how they will win.

The new religion of political correctness is in charge,
And we are compelled to believe their ideas by and large,
Where the governor general like senators is far from free,
Illusions on top of illusions and not allowed to agree.

Feb 15th, 2010

Sunday, February 14, 2010

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Proportional Representation is possible
James Bredin

Why is it so difficult to bring about democratic change?
To impress on those at the top that we have gone a little strange,
Soft criminal justice, injection sites and needle exchange places,
It's called political correctness gone wild right in our faces.

Some politicians got there with a small proportion of the vote,
Due to our first-past-the-post system and what that did promote,
When three or more candidates ran, the vote was all spread out,
The combined loosers got many more votes than the winning lout.

Let's sit down and discuss proportional representation,
We could change instead of tolerating frequent frustration,
Of pompous politicians who shouldn't even be there,
Brought us political correctness and now it's not their affair.

Feb 14th, 2010

Saturday, February 13, 2010

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Isolated Somewhere in Canada
James Bredin

We the people are not allowed to have binding referendums,
Our politicians are too busy writing in their memorandums,
They are bound to their party agenda and that does not mean you,
We the people isolated somewhere in Canada but who knew.

We need a law where Canadians have to vote or get fined,
The Australians have it and they seem to get along fine,
We need strong political leadership to point the right way,
Get rid of the Juvenile Offenders Act and name the crooks -- okay.

We need all those soft-on-crime judges afraid for their jobs,
And all convicted gun-and-gang guys in jail with their mobs,
We need an end to injection sites and needle exchange places,
Because Canadians have lost control in too many cases.

Feb 13th, 2010

Friday, February 12, 2010

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Changes are inevitable
James Bredin

We need term limits of two for all political positions,
To keep them from thinking that they on a life-long mission,
We need a law where Canadians have to vote or get fined,
We need binding referendums to get us out of this bind.

We need strong political leadership to point the right way,
Get rid of the Juvenile Offenders Act and name them -- okay,
We need soft-on-crime judges to change their ways or loose their jobs,
And bigger better jails to hold all active criminal mobs.

Mandatory minimum five years for those who use a gun,
Minimum thirty years for murder so as not to be outdone,
Change the idea that no one is allowed to change a thing,
One politician could lead the way and could be right or left wing.

Feb 12th, 2010

Thursday, February 11, 2010

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James Bredin

Why would they want to study the impact of an injection site?
Claiming that it's a health issue and they are always up tight,
They already have a needle exchange place but it's not good enough,
Catering to criminals and drug addicts where they get clean stuff.

And we're not allowed to see that there's something awfully wrong,
Plus too many media guys don't seem to notice what's going on,
Should their injection sites be near one of their half-way houses?
Or in a nice upscale area where they can live with their spouses?

It is never mentioned where the drug addicts will buy their drugs,
Are they expensive and could the drug dealers be other thugs?
Who is behind all this scheming and government arrangements?
How soon can we expect all these radical social changes?

Feb 11th, 2010

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

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Toronto Injection Sites 21
James Bredin

Condoning heroin drug use is supposed to be illegal,
Unless an appointed provincial supreme court judge makes it legal,
This is what happened in British Columbia six years ago,
So they got their illegal-drug injection sites; this we know.

Therefore that government is involved in questionable drug use,
Is this not an indication that somewhere there is a screw loose?
And now they want a study in Toronto and Ottawa too,
Injection sites in Toronto and Ottawa but who knew?

And this study has been sanctioned by those at City Hall,
You don't see or read or hear much in the media at all,
Could be an upleasant surprise some morning when we wake up?
All the more so because it could be before our first coffee cup.

Feb 10th, 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

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Canadian Euthanasia
James Bredin

We have lots of rights except the right to die when we want,
On this issue our politicians are very nonchalant,
Euthanasia is not on their list of things to do or secure,
Our media wont touch this and they prefer to remain obscure.

We didn't pick the time we arrived and can't decide when to leave,
This is one Charter right they forgot to give, so feel deceived,
Suicide is against the law and you have to wait to die,
Even doctor assisted stuff is illegal and I don't know why.

Euthanasia may be illegal here but not everywhere,
Several European countries and states are into this affair,
Eventually some judge will say that we should be allowed to die,
But how long do we have to wait and how long can they deny?

Feb 9th, 2010

Monday, February 8, 2010

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James Bredin

We are trained to read our papers and watch TV every day,
Media moguls will direct us what to do, think and what to say,
Politicians tend to despise binding referendums and change,
We the people are trained and not allowed to think that this is strange.

But the people nowadays read the news more on the Internet,
And the media moguls are not pleased about the new magnet,
This is not quite noticeable yet but could bring about change,
Elected senators and governor general could be arranged.

These radical changes are not allowed and not accepted yet,
And we're not allowed to even discuss the federal debt,
We can't even see the empty seats in parliament on TV,
That's when parliament is not prorogued and when will that be?

Feb 8th, 2010

Sunday, February 7, 2010

free countersToronto Injection Sites 20
James Bredin

How many nurses, doctors, chemists, administrators and guards?
Will the drug addicts have to show their OHIP medical cards?
Will these injection sites be open twenty four hours both night and day?
And how will this increase our taxes when we have to pay?

Where are the injection site decisions made if not here?
He/she should have the guts to stand up and be counted without fear,
Because a large influx of dealers and addicts could change a lot,
Old established quiet neighborhoods could quickly turn to rot.

There are some politicians who said they don't want the sites here,
But others seem absent, deathly quiet or just fail to appear,
What's going on in the background here and what am I missing?
Does anyone remember Toronto The Good or am I reminiscing?

Feb 7th, 2010

Saturday, February 6, 2010

free countersToronto Injection Sites 19
James Bredin

The people who organize the illegal-drug injection sites,
Are a graphic illustration of oddball activists into rights,
And weird decisions from the British Columbia Supreme Court,
Where no normal people in Canada would dare give their support.

You didn't know about this because of their secret quiet code,
They already have a needle exchange site somehow bestowed,
Another Supreme Court judge may grant them an injection site,
You may come to the conclusion that the public don't have much rights.

It disappeared from the media as if it was never there,
Though this is where democracy should be a major player,
Where binding referendums could force the politicians' hands,
And we could get back to normal in these great Canadian lands.

Friday, February 5, 2010

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Message to the Prime Minister
James Bredin

I wouldn't mind an appointment to the senate some day,
Sit around with the others with extraordinary high pay,
No need to think, if all I have to do is vote the right way,
It doesn't matter what opposition or media say.

I could be an extremely good governor general too,
But I am not female, ethnic or CBC but who knew?
I would not make a fuss and abide by all the rules and laws,
Allow you to prorogue parliament and any other flaws.

I would like to stay a long time in one of those positions,
It should be easy because there are not many conditions,
Unfortunately no one in Ottawa or the CBC heard of me,
But that shouldn't make any difference, if you agree.

Feb 5th, 2010

Thursday, February 4, 2010

free countersToronto Injection Sites 18
James Bredin

The Toronto Public Health strategy for injection sites,
Like Vancouver's six year old program of drug using delight,
Thanks to a strange British Columbia Supreme Court ruling,
They want another one here in Toronto too and no fooling.

All they need is permission from an appointed Supreme Court judge,
Without referendums and no one is allowed to hold a grudge,
And we're too politically correct to mention this,
Because in Toronto the Good, nothing could ever be amiss.

Are they getting carried away with Trudeau's Charter of Rights?
What about media silence and no political fights?
Will the incoming immigrant drug addicts have to show their cards?
At the free government injection sites and will there be no guards?

Feb 4th, 2010

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

free counters Toronto Injection Sites 17
James Bredin

The advocates are excited about their controlled environment,
At their drug injection sites as an ongoing requirement,
Therefore these illegal drug injection sites should be accepted,
Everything would be legal and above board as expected.

Their research will focus on the potential impact as they pretend,
And all the criminal drug addicts in town will no doubt attend,
As the government assists them to assist with illegal drugs,
Add that to the soft-on-crime courts for criminals and thugs.

The fact that they have possession of illegal drugs doesn't count,
The cops will be told that they can't take this into account,
All laws will be changed to accommodate these drug addicts,
And they can't be taken away and added to the convicts.

Feb 2nd, 2010

Monday, February 1, 2010

James Bredin

How did Vancouver get their legal drug injection site?
Did the people vote in a referendum and are they all right?
Advocates say that the illegal drugs used are bought elsewhere,
Are the drug dealers on the street out front and should we care?

And now they want a sites in Toronto and in Ottawa too,
Pompous political Ottawa deserves one or maybe two,
Have we all gone mentally ill and lost complete control?
When did the war on drug-dealer crime go down the toilet bowl?

Is this real, right here in Canada, right now or am I dreaming?
Have the politicians fell under the spell of the drug dealers' scheming?
Are we so politically correct, that there's nothing we can do?
Then add to that the soft-on-crime courts that the drug dealers knew.

Feb 1st, 2010