James Bredin
I haven't been to mass for a long time though I know it's a sin,
I'm apprehensive about those many hidden pedophile men,
These are not the religious thoughts that should be in my head,
Looking at pompous sanctimonious vestments, mostly red.
How can I tell a pedophile priest from an ordinary one?
Do they still wear their Roman collars despite having their fun?
Do they still say mass and hand out communion to those who confessed?
Do they still raise their hands and those who are kneeling are all blessed?
I haven't been to confession for fifty years or more,
Maybe this too is a mortal sin but I don't know the score,
When I finally die and get judged, will god throw me down to hell?
Down there with pedophile devils and that awful burning smell?
Dec 24th, 2009