Wednesday, March 31, 2010

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Compulsory Voting
James Bredin

Compulsory voting and binding referendums are not allowed,
Neither are US type propositions so don't feel so proud,
You might wonder what our politicians could tax or screw up next,
We cannot recall them or fire them under any pretext.

Do you remember that promise about a set-date election?
They were busy at the time so there was a disconnection,
And their parole boards are busy too, allowing cons out of jail,
The remainder are worried about global warming in case we fail.

A little more than half Canadians might or might not vote,
And proportional representation is not allowed in this boat,
But we need leadership to bring about some decent change,
Compulsory voting and referendums should be arranged.
Mar 31st, 2010

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

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Maybe Bigger Jails


James Bredin

It sometimes appears as though our prisons are much too small,
And judges are worried that prisoners might be involved in a brawl,
Therefore parole boards are inclined to let far too many criminals out,
Despite the victims' pleas but these parole boards never have a doubt.

Parole Board political appointees should feel ashamed,
This is probably why you seldom if ever hear them named,
They're more interested in letting prisoners out than in jail,
Don't you dare even think that we as a society have failed.

It doesn’t take a lot of brains to know that we need bigger jails,
It is not necessary to be told the whole gory details,
About appointed parole boards letting dangerous criminals out,
To maybe continue their crimes as they freely walk about.
Mar 30th, 2010

Monday, March 29, 2010

free countersCancel all parole boards 6
James Bredin

Some socialist media moguls and their special-interest friends,
Have their own not-so secret agendas and far-left-wing trends,
They love the pompous parole boards that let the criminals out,
And in their righteous editorials they never have a doubt.

They're opposed to bigger and better jails and twist the reasons why,
Do-good social workers can solve all the problems that might apply,
And statistics from here and there and some strange left-wing memoranda,
Bent facts and figures anyway in their odd-ball propaganda.

Therefore the government should not build bigger jails of any kind,
Because we live in a very safe place and the crime rate declined,
And the government should sit down and discuss this issue now,
Let more criminals out of jail than the parole boards now allow.
Mar 29th, 2010

Sunday, March 28, 2010

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Cancel all Parole Boards 5
James Bredin

I'm more than a little worried about Parole Board decisions,
Allowing criminal murderers loose without much revisions,
And the whole process is accepted as normal and routine,
And what can we do about this dictatorial obscene machine?

Victim's rights are meaningless to parole board appointees,
Even if the victims plead and scream and get down on their knees,
Why do we need parole boards -- has anyone figured that out?
Why can't these prisoners do their time instead of out and about?

Appointed Parole Boards are into prisoners' rights -- not victims' rights,
They're into political correctness in their lofty heights,
Remote and far away and out of touch with reality,
And what they decide cannot be viewed as abnormality.
Mar 28th, 2010

Thursday, March 25, 2010

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How do we get propositions?
James Bredin

I am jealous of the Americans and their propositions,
Many Canadians would like to have these proper conditions,
Where we could vote "yes," or "no," to change things or not,
Instead of politicians who pompously announce that we cannot.

Public issues such as taxes and too many regulations,
Out of touch with we the people and their lack of communications,
Isolated Ottawa bureaucracy dictatorships,
Where the people are obedient in these relationships.

We can't change the Parole Boards as they let criminals out of jail,
Acting as though they are right and couldn't ever ever fail,
Without propositions or binding referendums we all loose,
There is no excuse for all this bureaucratic abuse.

Mar 25th, 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

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Another Need for Referendums
James Bredin

Government bureaucracies tend to be as rigid as stone,
While the rest of us ordinary folk tend to groan and alone,
The Parole Board is a graphic example of this power,
Where court decisions and prison sentences are lowered.

You heard about those parole boards that tend to let the prisoners loose,
Letting free thieves, robbers, murderers, rapists and other abuse,
And no one seems to question their decisions so therefore they're right,
But who are these political appointees who don't seem too bright?

There's obviously something wrong that needs badly to be fixed,
Or the politically correct are in command with their tricks,
Their clemency and pardons are directed by their regulations,
A reason for no referendums to stop these complications.

Mar 23rd 2010

Sunday, March 21, 2010

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Stop the Agitating Liberals
James Bredin

Prime Minister Stephen Harper, I'm sure you know by now,
They've got a huge web site set up to unseat you somehow,
They claim that you are strengthening the powers of the PMO office,
But you remember what the Liberals did while they were in office.

The list of things they claim that you are doing is a mile long,
Real heavy-duty reading even for a person who is strong,
They suggest that you are manipulating to stay ahead,
I suggest you give referendums to Canadians instead.

Because binding referendums would stop them in their tracks,
And their agitators who tend to mix up what they claim are facts,
This would shake the left-wing Liberals right out of their boots,
Don't underestimate them and their left-wing agitating recruits.

Mar 21st, 2010

Saturday, March 20, 2010

free countersCancel all Parole Boards 4
James Bredin

Impact statements seem useless to an appointed parole board,
And there's nothing we can do about it so they have all scored,
That's the thieves, the addicts, the murderers and appointees,
Then they add their arrogant attitude for everyone to see.

How do we cancel all parole boards or should we bother to ask?
Unfortunately politicians think it's a disagreeable task,
But someone should do something to stop the disagreeable trend,
As they release more vicious prisoners and then they all pretend.

It's impossible to shake a giant parole board bureaucracy,
People in so called democracy looking up at aristocracy,
Who have long ago allowed a left wing agenda to control,
Eventually no doubt, we the people will have to pay the toll.

Mar 20th, 2010

Friday, March 19, 2010

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Cancel All Parole Boards 3
James Bredin

It sometimes seems as if we are all going to hell in a basket,
The murdered victim we knew was taken away in a casket,
The parole board monster bureaucracy might give information,
Of the murderer's distant hearing at their far away location.

They claim they are protecting us with vicious murderers and thieves,
As they release them from prison and demand that we believe,
And to hell with the victims of crime and their impact statements,
Trying to change the Parole Board's agenda for prisoner abatements.

The prisoner can move to the far end of the country at our expense,
In the ordinary world, this would make absolutely no sense,
As the Parole Board claims to contribute to our safety,
The contrast between them and reality is subtlety.

Mar 19th, 2010

Thursday, March 18, 2010

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Cancel All Parole Boards 2
James Bredin

In a world where the politically correct let prisoners loose,
Through appointed parole boards for some who just escaped the noose,
But nothing can be said or changed because that would be impolite,
And our politicians all think that everything is alright.

Where video impact statements to them, mean nothing at all,
Because talking to a parole board is like talking to a wall,
Unless you're a prisoner murderer who wants to be released,
And your murdered victims have of course long ago deceased.

And those who count wont allow Canadian referendums,
That might return justice and interfere with their conundrums,
And the first referendum should involve those parole boards,
Binding referendums to let Canadians know they scored.

Mar 18th, 2010

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

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Cancel All Parole Boards
James Bredin

Who selected these soft left wing parole board appointees?
Trying to release all the prisoners on day parole as they please,
Their ambition seems to be; let all the vicious prisoners loose,
Though in another time some of them would have goten the noose.

It seems we are all going mad and politically correct,
Is it the judges, the lawyers, the politicians we select?
Why do these parole boards want to let all the prisoners out?
Have they appointed other friends so there would be no doubt?

While we look on helplessly wondering what to say or do,
And their politicians announce that there should be more than a few,
Would it mean anything to them if we got down on our knees?
Why do victim impact statements mean nothing to these appointees?

Do these appointed parole boards have their own secret agenda?
Have they been listening to one sided prisoner propaganda?
Is this a reason we are forbidden binding referendums?
We might cancel all the parole boards and their release quorums.

Mar 17th, 2010

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

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The Youth Criminal Justice Act
James Bredin

We have a different justice system for young criminal hoods,
There's no need for them to feel ashamed or run and hide in the woods,
Where our Youth Criminal Justice Actis considered a joke,
And criminally inclined teenagers have a chance to provoke.

Accountability does not seem to come into play,
The degree of leniency seems forever on display,
Where murderers under twelve cannot be named or even charged,
Though a terrorist shooting a machine gun and camouflaged.

Emphasis is placed on keeping the offender in the community
So we have hoods with what seems an acquired immunity,
Where the protection of society does not come into play,
Where soft weird political correctness has come to stay.

Mar 16th, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010

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The Elane Plaza
James Bredin

Was it a sign of the times when the Elane Plaza disappeared?
The pool hall, the bingo hall, the dance hall, all went as some leered.
The quiet Scarborough hubub suburb was defaced and replaced,
By so called condominiums and our memories were displaced.

The connection to all those times was completely wiped off the map,
The great people and places and shops were all gone in one mishap,
Replaced by townhouse condominiums in every square inch,
An no one complained so it was a development cinch.

The overhead walkway to the bingo hall also disappeared,
They knocked it all down and nobody really thought it was weird,
The old stories, we all shared in Frank Drea's political place,
We all felt like we belonged in this great Canadian race.
Mar 15th, 2010

Sunday, March 14, 2010

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Change for Canadians
James Bredin

Why can't Canadians elect their prime ministers by name?
Why can't Canadians nominate senators or is this a shame?
Why can't Canadians elect their governor general?
Is it above and beyone them and always on deferal?

Why can't Canadians be allowed binding referendums?
Are our politicians too busy reading memorandums?
Do political parties change the system or make it worse?
Do they become an isolated embedded Ottawa curse?

Do tax-and-spend politicians travel the world at our expense?
Is this part of the stuff that can't be revealed in their defense?
If the Swiss can have binding referendums, why can't we?
They can also have euthanasia if the doctors agrees.

Mar 14th, 2010

Saturday, March 13, 2010

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Legal System -- not Justice System
James Bredin

Their soft-on-crime justice system has slowly fallen apart,
Sentences in months served instead of years, breaks a person's heart,
And the isolated judges and lawyers don't seem to care,
They're more interested in the legal system than what is fair.

And no one, absolutely no one, will point a finger at them,
Those who are politically correct will never condemn,
We got rid of capital punishment a long time ago,
Political correctness crept in and helped criminals to go.

Is it the judges, the lawyers, the system or politicians?
And what can we do to change these soft-on-crime conditions?
We have no binding referendums so politicians don't care,
And we can't change the system so Canadians should beware.

Mar 13th, 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010

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Authority and Respect
James Bredin

There's something wrong here but no one seems to know how to object,
If it's not politically correct it might show disrespect,
While their appointed soft-on-crime judges make weak decisions,
And left wing media say that there is no need for revisions.

Majority governments are good for politicians but that's all,
They are not good for ordinary people who may have to crawl,
No need for binding referendums when they have the power,
Why should they change things and obstruct their view from the tower?

The Liberals were there before and want to do it once more,
As though we can't remember why we're in an Afghanistan war,
Majority political parties are full of hypocrisy,
And behave as though they are appointed aristocrisy.

Mar 12th, 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

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A Dame that looked like you
James Bredin

Were your that girl who almost made me mad, fifty years ago?
That was long before the pill when good girls always said "No!"
With straight black seams in your nylon stocking down the back of your legs,
The world seemed slower and simpler then with different rules and regs.

While passing, I just caught a quick glance of your name tag and your face,
As you sat with the others in the lobby of the seniors' place,
You didn't recognize me because I too have grown old,
Don't look a bit like I did when I was young and very bold.

But you still look good or is that my memory playing tricks?
Should I introduce myself but that was always a risk,
Because dames who looked as good as you, had nothing to do with me,
You could have picked anyone you wanted as far as the eye could see.

Mar 10th, 2010

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

free countersA WAR OVER THERE
James Bredin

A war here, a famine there, group genocide that we are aware,
Maybe an earthquake or tidal wave calling for soldiers over there?
At what point will we realize that we can't cure all the wrongs?
When one half the world and the other half may not get along.

And being politically correct doesn't seem to help one bit,
Where more than half of our UN members don't seem to give a shit,
But tax-and-spend politicians seem to feel that they are so cool,
Maybe a noble peace prize here somewhere in this bloody pool.

But they got where they are in a system of first past the post,
No equalization or proportional representation to boast,
Where politicians talk about a war and their self righteous rules,
Will someone open a window and let in some light for these fools?

Mar 9th, 2010

Monday, March 8, 2010

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James Bredin

Those Liberals may eventually climb out from under their rock,
Because they have lots of followers in their big left-wing flock,
The problem is: they may eventually regain power once more,
And we will then get another monster reign like we did before.

Are they the ones who made the criminal Young Offenders Act?
Where young vicious criminals can't be named and that's a fact?
Therefore now is the time to circumvent these eventualities,
With binding referendums before we are again casualties.

Or rewrite Trudeau's Charter of Rights so that it's just for us,
Not "Everyone" in the world where they each cause such a fuss,
We just can't keep on going as we are as if nothing will change,
Because Liberals are waiting in the wings and this is not strange.

Mar 8th, 2010

Sunday, March 7, 2010

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James Bredin

In the first-past-the-post system, the loosers get elected,
And then the voters know that they have been disconnected,
Because more people voted against the one that was elected,
But then the system can't be changed as should be expected.

Collectively, the loosers got many more votes as a group,
But it doesn't matter because they are kept out of the loop,
And proportional representation is completely banned,
First-past-the-post is not how democracy should be planned.

The problem is that no political party wants change,
As their leaders pompously announce that this would be strange,
But most countries have adapted proportional representation,
To improve the democratic system of expectation.

Mar 7th, 2010

Friday, March 5, 2010

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Can't Question the System
James Bredin

Why are so many of our appointed judges so soft on crime?
Some even demand publication bans for names of the slime,
Why did first-past-the-post politicians pick them to be judges?
Is there something we don't see here or is this a case for nudges?

Why should our independent judiciary be so soft on crime?
Not like years ago or long ago or once upon a time,
Are the jails too small or full or is there something we don't know?
Or have the courts gone so soft that they are now a road show?

Did they make the proper contributions and donations?
To secure their appointments in secret consultations?
Something is not right when so many criminals walk our the door,
Why does this goes on and on quietly and we have to ignore?
Mar 5th, 2010

Thursday, March 4, 2010

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Real Canadian Dreams
James Bredin

Why do we have politicians who tend to lie about taxes?
Evasive secretive types without announcements or faxes,
And then they appoint judges who are extremely soft on crime,
Many who made large contributions much more than a dime.

We need compulsory voting with a fine for those who don't vote,
To be collected with income taxes with explanatory note,
This would stop the party politicians with their secret schemes,
And help those of us real people with real Canadian dreams.

Those who appoint the soft-on-crime judges should also be named,
So that we can trace back to politicians who should be shamed,
We need some strong intelligent leadership to shake off this despair,
Elected -- not appointed friends of friends who really don't care.
Mar 4th, 2010

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

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Welcome Back Prime Minister
James Bredin

Prime Minister Harper: I have lots of good advice for you,
Now that you're back and the great golden Olympics are through,
We need binding referendums so the people can have control,
In case the Liberals, God forbid, should regain a power role.

Trudeau's Charter gave rights to "Everyone" on the globe,
Conferred by those appointees wearing a Supreme Court robe,
We could change the Constitution and have binding referendums put in,
That would put normal Canadians back in the saddle again.

I realize of course that this is one hell of a big job,
But it has to be done in order to avoid the Liberal mob,
They are just waiting in the wings to be first past the post,
They don't want proportional representation at any cost.

Mar 3rd, 2010

Monday, March 1, 2010

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Politicians and the Winter Olympic Games
James Bredin

So we won lots of gold medals at the winter Olympic games,
Photographs of the heroes in the press with their pictures and names,
Now if we could only figure out how to fix political stuff,
Or leave parliament closed down for a while and tell them that's enough.

Or have a referendum about referendums right now,
Either once a year, binding, or added at election time somehow,
But first-past-the-post politicians don't like referendums,
They're busy doing nothing or writing memorandums.

And soon they will open parliament and kick up a great fuss,
About nothing, that some committee will eventually discuss,
It's all up in Ottawa somewhere very far away,
Will they make us feel proud like the winter Olympic display?

Mar 1st, 2010