Cancel All Parole Boards
James Bredin
Who selected these soft left wing parole board appointees?
Trying to release all the prisoners on day parole as they please,
Their ambition seems to be; let all the vicious prisoners loose,
Though in another time some of them would have goten the noose.
It seems we are all going mad and politically correct,
Is it the judges, the lawyers, the politicians we select?
Why do these parole boards want to let all the prisoners out?
Have they appointed other friends so there would be no doubt?
While we look on helplessly wondering what to say or do,
And their politicians announce that there should be more than a few,
Would it mean anything to them if we got down on our knees?
Why do victim impact statements mean nothing to these appointees?
Do these appointed parole boards have their own secret agenda?
Have they been listening to one sided prisoner propaganda?
Is this a reason we are forbidden binding referendums?
We might cancel all the parole boards and their release quorums.
Mar 17th, 2010