If We could change Trudeau's Charter
James Bredin
When did you vote in a referendum or a plebiscite?
You have a problem remembering ; maybe never; am I right?
Many US states have referendums in one form or other,
We could too if we could get the okay from big brother.
If we had binding referendums like the Swiss, we could change,
But this is something the elite politicians will never arrange,
If we could convince Stephen Harper to think along these lines,
He is one of the few intelligent for chance of change of any kind.
We may have to change Trudeau's Charter which is long overdue,
They like to act as if it's the end of the world but we're not through,
We can change and eventually keep all those killers in jail,
And keep the many others from getting pardons and easy bail.
July 22nd, 2010