This blog is written for Canadians. Although, if you are not a Canadian, you may find it interesting. So read on.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Canadian politicians can’t have an independent thought,
Locked into some party agenda or they could be distraught,
But if they are real careful they could get a Senate appointment,
And then there is no need for any election disappointment.
Canadians don’t elect their prime ministers by their names,
It’s their party friends that elect them with hidden party aims,
Where no one heard of recall or proportional representation,
No set-date elections, which they avoid without explanation.
And one could get an appointment to the UN in NY,
Banned from their Security Council but good for years of pork,
They like the fact that only half Canadians manage to vote,
Compulsory voting is something they will never promote.
Jan 24th, 2011