A graphic result since Pierre Trudeau wrote his Charter,
Terrorists going to the Supreme Court claim they could be martyrs,
And refugees approaching by the shiploads being escorted in,
Certain socialist citizens always look at this as win win.
Media moguls cannot find fault with our constitution,
Written for “EVERYONE” in the world for distribution,
Canada’s future may have been dropped in a baby-death bag,
Charter-result decision abortion clinic with no name tag.
How dare you even suggest that something might be wrong,
Don’t you realize the huge politically correct throng?
Those unborn babies at the abortion clinic are not alive,
But why were they made dead before they even arrived?
And there’s much worse than that because there’s nothing we can do,
Captured by Trudeau’s Charter events and stuck down like glue,
Even the religious crowd seldom speak on this matter,
As though it was forbidden and had to avoid the splatter.
Feb 3rd, 2011