SET THE TRENDS … Dec 9th, 2012
The obituaries nowadays list many of my old friends,
So dying seems to be the way to go as they set the trends,
Those great people I knew so long ago -- where did they go?
The religious say they went to heaven or hell but I don’t know.
But I do know that none of them arranged the whole affair,
We don’t have death-with-dignity, so some have to rely on prayer,
But neither can I, arrange the time and date and place to die,
If I could; I would and then arrange a party to say goodbye.
But that makes too much sense for our left-wing politicians,
Or is it right-wing politicians with no flex conditions,
Our aristocrats laid down the law about dying- with-dignity,
And it can’t be changed and nothing to do with responsibility.
Dec 9th, 2012