IN OTTAWA ...DEC 7TH, 2013
In Ottawa where referendums are considered a mortal sin,
And death-with-dignity is banned so Canadians can’t win,
And there’s no need to vote so less than half the people do,
And senators are appointed till they are 75 so what’s new?
And those many Senate scandals mean nothing at all,
Because the appointed senators may be busy having a ball,
A nice quiet no-pressure job until they are seventy five,
By then, you or I and our relatives, may not even be alive.
So forget the notion, that politically something should change,
No politician has the guts for this to be arranged,
They are elite appointees entrenched forever in our lives,
I heard it said that some of them may have husbands or wives.
DEC 7TH, 2013