Wednesday, April 7, 2010

free countersCancel All Parole Boards 7
James Bredin

Do those on parole boards give pardons to pedophiles in prison?
Are appointee decisions then kept secret with great precision?
Not designed for the protection of children but is it for friends?
Can released pedophiles then continue with their criminal trends?

Why have appointees on parole boards gone strange, to our chagrin?
As much power to forgive crime as pedophile priests to forgive sin,
Then with no respect, they allow cop killers to walk out of jail,
Where common sense and victims' pleas never seem to prevail.

These independent-agency parole boards gone around the bend,
Due to their absolute power, they never need to comprehend,
The Americans don't recognize our parole board decisions,
They know that we are long overdue for political revisions.
April 7th, 2010