Cancel Parole Boards 13
James Bredin
Our politicians are busy travelling the world on our dime,
Can't be bothered with parole board problems at this moment in time,
Who cares if they let cop killers and pedophiles out of jail,
The constituents who are interested can send an e-mail.
Because Ottawa is far away and people just can't go there,
Therefore there is little or no feedback in this awful affair,
The churches are of course up to their necks in issues and trials,
For hundreds of years they knew the score and were into denials.
Canadians need a politician now who can change the rules,
Insert binding referendums in the constitution for us fools,
The released pedophile or cop killer that you meet on the street,
Is delighted with the parole board decisions and you could meet.
April 12th, 2010