This blog is written for Canadians. Although, if you are not a Canadian, you may find it interesting. So read on.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Cancel Parole Boards 61
James Bredin
Somehow or other Canadians better pray to the Lord,
Be prepared for what's coming down the pipe from the parole board,
Released cop killers, murderers and rapists by the score,
Walking free and the parole board would prefer that we ignore.
But the history of released prisoners is long and involved,
All kinds of murders, rapes and some may still remain unsolved,
We can't elect a senator, governor general or parole board,
While 16 American states cancelled parole boards and scored.
I'm ashamed of our governments that allows this false facade,
Pretending to look good embedded behind their barricade,
While Canadians may be murdered or raped by those released,
And assaulted Canadians can't complain if they are deceased.
May 31st, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Cancel Parole Boards 60
James Bredin
Elect governor generals and prime ministers by name,
On a given date, nailed down, in sunshine, hail or rain,
Elect senators, parole boards and those begging appointments,
Maybe we wouldn't have so many terrible disappointments.
When cop killers and criminal pedophiles come up for parole,
The needs and safety of Canadians should be in control,
Not the hidden agenda of activists into human rights,
And parole board decisions should be in media floodlights.
Sixteen American states have abolished their boards of parole,
And some activists are really upset about loosing control,
Write surveys and books about the issues at the very least,
But fail to itemize the crimes committed by those released.
May 30th, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Cancel Parole Boards 59
James Bredin
The list of released and repeat offenders is long indeed,
Does anyone on the parole board go into Google and read
Why are ordinary Canadians treated like dirt?
Why did 16 American states shut down this type of hurt?
Can't elect senators, governor generals or parole boards,
And for released cop killers, we can't see their jail-time records,
We can't see where they'll live when parole board sets them free from jail,
In fact we can't know much of anything in any detail.
Parole boards show that Canadians do not get what we deserve,
When and if there's an election we're allowed to vote and observe,
And then it gets worse with no equalization and little change,
No binding referendums but freedom for murderers arranged.
May 29th, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Cancel Parole Boards 58
James Bredin
Sixteen US states saw fit to abolish their parole boards,
They saw fit to do this after reading their parole board records,
We're talking rapists, murderers, and arsonists by the score,
Some of them,no doubt, smiled and waved as they went out the jail door.
Canadians can't know where these released criminals will live,
So much for public safety as Charter-rights activists forgive,
Where the minister of public safety should be involved,
And this problem of freed cop killers should be quickly resolved.
The government should have control of parole boards, not the reverse,
And we can't recognize these present arrangements are perverse,
Politically correct and led by activists' human rights,
Allowing newly released cop killers to walk around every night.
May 28th, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Cancel Parole Boards 57
James Bredin
They'll let cop killers out of jail and referendums are banned,
It's hard to believe that this is Canadian government planned,
Sixteen US states have put a stop to this type of conduct,
Are Canadians being punished for some bad misconduct?
Because the history of released convicts is anything but good,
Did parole boards read Google and it wasn't understood?
And privacy laws say we cannot know where these convicts will live,
Maybe nextdoor to you and you are compelled to forgive.
It seems as if social workers had to find something to do,
And elite parole board bureaucrats could release more than a few,
And no one knows what's going on because nothing's in the papers,
Cop killers, maniacs, terrorists, murderers and rapers.
May 27th, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Cancel Parole Boards 56
James Bredin
Those released by the parole boards don't just shoot and kill cops,
The list of their crimes is long and horrible as the bodies drop,
And Canadians are forbidden to see their prison records,
Sixteen US states shut down all their similar parole boards.
Canadians could be compared to a large herd of mountain sheep,
And the sheppard has decided to allow some wolves some good meat,
No one can denounce the sheppard because he is always right,
Especially the sheep because the sheppard knows they are not that bright.
This couldn't happen in the real world, you believe and think,
And if it does, there is definitely something that stinks,
The history of what released prisoners have done is truly long,
Unfortunately its well hidden and parole boards are strong.
May 26th, 2010
So try
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Cancel Parole Boards 55
James Bredin
Parole board's lack of judgement shows why they should be shut down,
Releasing convicted cop killers in the name of the crown,
Long list of homicidal terror by those who have been released,
Some Canadians didn't stand a chance, and now they're deceased.
Sixteen US states closed their parole boards down for the same reason,
We're talking embedded bureaucrats allowed to commit treason,
We're talking many dead Canadians who wont be coming back,
Not after many of these released convicts made an attack.
Communicating with a parole board is like talking to a wall,
Or trying to give the hidden parole board a telephone call,
The horror stories of those who were released are all well hidden,
Go to Google, otherwise the stories are forbidden.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Cancel Parole Boards 54
James Bredin
Why such furious opposition to the referendum notion?
Tiny little Swiss country has them and there's no commotion,
Is Ottawa afraid of some common sense in their parole game?
Of releasing cop killers from jail on parole with no shame.
Put national parole board into Google and see what you get,
A lot of hidden information that will make you sweat,
Murders by released convicts thanks to parole board decisions,
Public protection is far from being one of their visions.
And the media seldom points out that there might be a problem here,
As though they are in league with the parole boards and nothing to fear,
Therefore we should forget the whole affair and carry on as before
And the released cop killers may soon be knocking on your door.
May 24th, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Cancel Parole Boards 53
James Bredin
I'm afraid that as Canadians, we seldom even vote,
Therefore politicians and bureaucrats have us by the throat,
If sixteen US states have cancelled their parole boards; why not us?
Oh I forgot, the righteous human rights crowd would kick up a fuss.
And now they are going to release cop killers to the streets,
They can do this because they consider themselves as true elites,
Don't you dare ask a question or consider referendums,
These appointed aristocrats wont take a memorandum.
Canadians need binding referendums to regain control,
Like those sixteen states, we need to cancel all criminal parole,
One embedded Ottawa bureaucrat can set cop killers free,
Reason why we need vast national changes for you and for me.
May 23rd 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Cancel Parole Boards 52
James Bredin
Ottawa bureaucrats that seem to have taken over the place,
Proactive embedded, releasing cop killers right in our face,
They seem to have replaced the national agenda with their own,
Self righteous Charter rights agenda that treats us with scorn.
Invisible members on various committees here and there,
Completely out of touch with the people and no one seems to care,
No leadership input and politicians couldn't care less,
They might be working or is the government prorogued or in recess?
They use and reuse Trudeau's Charter of Rights as their bible,
Therefore no one can point a finger so they are not libel,
Because Trudeau's Charter Rights could get the devil out of hell,
And criminal cop killers from the pen where they should stay and dwell.
May 22nd 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Cancel Parole Boards 51
James Bredin
It's as though we have a social disease that we don't know much about,
Parole boards letting prisoners and criminals and cop killers out,
And this disease could get much worse unless we do something soon,
If they called another election, would that be an opportune?
But, I forgot, Canadians seldom if ever bother to vote,
That's why appointed bureaucrats seem to have us by the throat,
That's why parole boards decided to set cop killers free,
We don't vote so they figured it wouldn't bother you or me.
Vote for the one you like or against the one you hate, but vote,
Because so few Canadians vote, they have put us on remote,
Government hijacked by activists completely into civil rights,
Parole boards letting cop killers out to walk around at night.
May 21st, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Cancel Parole Boards 50
James Bredin
Our goody-two-shoe left-wing establishment gets all upset,
Stephen Harper is talking tough-on-crime but hasn't finished yet,
And the parole boards want to set many more cop killers free,
This is difficult, so stand up straight and salute one two three.
If you meet a criminal cop killer walking the street,
You don't have to remember to smile but do try to be discreet,
Just remember the civil rights bureaucrats are on his side,
The parole board released him and you are along for the ride.
Tough-on-crime legislation is not near good enough,
A few dots and commas here and there is not much more than bluff,
We need binding referendums and Trudeau's Charter changed,
So cop killers can stay in jail and this can be arranged.
May 20th, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Cancel Parole Boards 49
James Bredin
Somehow or other, Canadians seem to have lost all control,
Cop killers getting out of the penitentiary on parole,
Politicians are busy in Ottawa and don't seem to care,
Therefore we the people will have to be cautious and beware.
The elite bureaucrats of the parole boards don't communicate,
They are bureaucrats --no need for them to state or relate,
And we don't have binding referendums because they're not allowed,
Might interfere with agenda of bureaucrats or political crowd.
So you can see that Canadians are in a bit of a fix,
We don't know where to turn in this bureaucratic mix,
Where criminal convicts may be walking the streets any day,
In fact they may be here already and maybe we should pray.
May 19th, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Cancel Parole Boards 48
James Bredin
If they're going to let criminal cop killers out of jail,
And none of their jail-time crime records can be known in detail,
We must realize that parole boards are the powerful elite,
Appointed activists who don't have even one elected seat.
It's a shame that our country go off in this direction,
Canadians need binding referendums to get protection,
Because pardoned pedophiles and cop killers walking the streets,
There's no telling who you might encounter or see or even meet.
You should be worried too because this involves more than you,
It's your wife, your kids, your mother, your father but who knew,
These parole decisions are kept very quiet and under wraps,
They don't want their screwed up little empire to collapse.
May 18th, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
Cancel Parole Boards 47
James Bredin
The human rights activists all screamed Charter and more human rights,
Till they had commandeered and held Ottawa bureaucrats in fright,
Politically correct and bilingual in every detail,
And now the parole boards want to let cop killers out of jail.
Because trumped up Trudeau's Charter was their guide and their bible,
Human rights activists were fanatical religious and tribal,
The Swiss may have binding referendums but that's not allowed here,
Nothing can change because Ottawa is under a cloud of fear.
It sounds like something out of a science fiction fairy tale story book,
That couldn't happen in the real world unless the books were cooked,
And Canadians are merely numbers somewhere in the boondocks,
And binding referendums will always be politically blocked.
May 16th, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Cancel Parole Boards 47
James Bredin
The human rights activists all screamed Charter and more human rights,
Till they had commandeered and held Ottawa bureaucrats in fright,
Politically correct and bilingual in every detail,
And now the parole boards want to let cop killers out of jail.
Because trumped up Trudeau's Charter was their guide and their bible,
Human rights activists were fanatical religious and tribal,
The Swiss may have binding referendums but that's not allowed,
Nothing can change because Ottawa is under a cloud.
It sounds like something out of a science fiction fairy tale story book,
That couldn't happen in the real world unless the books were cooked,
And Canadians are merely numbers somewhere in the boondocks,
And binding referendums will always be politically blocked.
May 16th, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Cancel Parole Boards 46
James Bredin
Released con couldn't be deported because of a Charter shield,
A terrorist, pedophile, cop killer whose records were sealed,
The human rights activists were worried about his Charter rights,
Wanted to go to the bilingual Supreme Court with their plights.
How much of this is a lie and how much of this could be true?
But you get the idea of the trouble we're in, thank you,
Unless you're a committed religious Charter fanatic,
Waiting for government events that might be symptomatic.
Therefore we need some parole changes and we need them soon,
To stop every creeping soft-on-crime bureaucratic opportune,
And Canadians should not only vote but let their feelings be known,
As the Charter rights advocates let a collective groan.
May 15th, 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010
Cancel Parole Boards 45
James Bredin
The illusion of parliamentary questions might put your mind at ease,
But it's all an act by some politician trying to please,
And without binding referendums or recall, it's all a stall,
Nothing will change and they're busy in Ottawa having a ball.
So there's no need to vote and we have no equalization,
Your politician will avoid this subject of conversation,
He/she doesn't care if cop killers are released from jail,
Or if pedophiles are given pardons and no need for bail.
And tough on crime legislation talk is also an illusion,
The human rights activists will seek their own Charter conclusion,
So binding referendums and recall might be the right direction,
But the civil rights crowd are ready with a Charter rejection.
May 14th, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Cancel Parole Boards 44
James Bredin
We are now catering to activists and dancing to their tune,
As they proclaim that Trudeau's Charter is our only opportune,
As they pull the human-rights strings for criminals and refugees,
And on election days Canadians should be absentees.
Because they know that if Canadians don't vote, nothing will change,
No binding referendums or anything that might be strange,
So criminal cop killers out of jail and refugees can stay,
And normal Canadians have no options but to obey.
And every incoming refugee can stay on welfare for life,
And occasionally he may travel to Europe with his wife,
This can happen because activists are entrenched on the heights,
And how could anyone question our Charter and human rights?
May 13th, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Cancel Parole Boards 43
James Bredin
Symptoms and systems of entitlement caged in by Charter,
Has been going on since the days of US Pres Jimmy Carter
But this is Canada you say and it couldn't happen here,
Pardoned pedophiles and released cop killers and they're so sincere.
And it's all done quietly, under the table or far away,
Entrenched appointed parole board members have nothing to say,
And all this while tough-on-crime legislation is being discussed,
But why are we stuck with a parole board we're compelled to trust.
Should the aristocrats of the parole board be in disgrace?
As pardon and release applications are accepted with grace?
Should changes to the criminal parole system be discussed?
Will Canadians be allowed to show our profound disgust?
May 12th, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Cancel Parole Boards 42
James Bredin
Their bible of human rights was forged in Trudeau's Charter,
Written for "Everyone" in the world but for us -- it's a non starter,
And the released criminal cop killers may arrive any day,
You will just have to learn how to control yourself and pray.
Because Trudeau's Charter of Rights didn't get everything quite right,
Therefore released cop killers might be allowed out at night,
Parole boards were appointed and may know what they're doing,
But the criminal's jail record was not available for viewing.
And Trudeau's Charter didn't allow for binding referendums,
It means nothing to the parole boards as they write memorandums,
Binding referendums are forbidden and cannot be spoken,
The hidden activists hidden agenda cannot be broken.
May 11th, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
Cancel Parole Boards 41
James Bredin
As we wander around confused looking at one another,
Wondering about defenseless mother sister or brother.
As newly released cop killers wander up and down the streets,
Where the young cops that they shot may have once had their beats.
All this insignificant stuff may indeed mean nothing to you,
Just distant bureaucratic decisions of the parole board few,
And without binding referendums, we can't ever be involved,
Just another Ottawa conundrum that can't be solved.
And when we eventually have an election we may not vote,
No need to think about a released cop killer cutthroat,
It would be better for them if we didn't bother to think,
Because cop killers have rights too as they say with a wink.
May 10th, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Cancel Parole Boards 40
James Bredin
Why do we cater to human rights activists and their demands?
Ottawa hierarchy bureaucracy and we are in their hands,
As the parole board releases cop killers from the pen,
And the public seems unaware or what might happen to them.
Parole board appointees seem beyond political control,
Freeing criminal cop killers seems to be their only goal,
Trudeau's Charter got us human rights style activists entrenched,
Ended up with cop killers released and the justice system bent.
You must be evil if you think that there's a chance they could be wrong,
How could you question Trudeau's Charter and not go along?
The influence of these righteous hidden activists is hard to see,
Symptoms of entitlement, released cop killers and we agree.
May 9th, 2010
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Cancel Parole Boards 39
James Bredin
Why does the parole board hierarchy seem weird and quite strange?
As they allow the parole and freedom of cop killers arranged,
There's something very odd and wrong but we dare not complain,
They might think we're not worthy and look at us with disdain.
As they let cop killers out of jail and think there's nothing wrong,
They're aristocrats and bureaucrats and we better get along,
As they put into question our already soft justice scheme,
You remember when things were normal or was that just a dream?
So pay attention because we are compelled to go their way,
Because plenty of freed cop killers may be out any day,
Is this some mad horror movie that might be finished in an hour?
Going on forever and we're compelled to partake without power.
May 8th, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
Cancel Parole Boards 38
James Bredin
The first binding-referendum Canadian question could be,
Should we elect or appoint senators though they wont agree,
And should their term in office be for life or for five years?
Will these ideas see the light of day or will they disappear?
Should elections be held every five years, like it or not?
In equalization, should parties' hidden agendas mean squat?
Should Canadians be compelled to vote in all elections?
To avoid hidden activist groups and all their connections.
Could someone please quickly rewrite Trudeau's Charter of Rights?
Because human rights activists read it and control us with delight.
Could someone please do something about weird parole board terms?
That allow cop killers out of jail and definitely confirms.
May 7th, 2010
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