Cancel Parole Boards 57
James Bredin
They'll let cop killers out of jail and referendums are banned,
It's hard to believe that this is Canadian government planned,
Sixteen US states have put a stop to this type of conduct,
Are Canadians being punished for some bad misconduct?
Because the history of released convicts is anything but good,
Did parole boards read Google and it wasn't understood?
And privacy laws say we cannot know where these convicts will live,
Maybe nextdoor to you and you are compelled to forgive.
It seems as if social workers had to find something to do,
And elite parole board bureaucrats could release more than a few,
And no one knows what's going on because nothing's in the papers,
Cop killers, maniacs, terrorists, murderers and rapers.
May 27th, 2010