Cancel Parole Boards 51
James Bredin
It's as though we have a social disease that we don't know much about,
Parole boards letting prisoners and criminals and cop killers out,
And this disease could get much worse unless we do something soon,
If they called another election, would that be an opportune?
But, I forgot, Canadians seldom if ever bother to vote,
That's why appointed bureaucrats seem to have us by the throat,
That's why parole boards decided to set cop killers free,
We don't vote so they figured it wouldn't bother you or me.
Vote for the one you like or against the one you hate, but vote,
Because so few Canadians vote, they have put us on remote,
Government hijacked by activists completely into civil rights,
Parole boards letting cop killers out to walk around at night.
May 21st, 2010