Monday, June 28, 2010

Cancel Parole Board 85
James Bredin

The parole board doesn't come out and tell you what they do,
They seem too high, silent, secretive and away above you,
Therefore you should show some respect for these high and mighty folks,
They give parole to those who might be described as complete dorks.

They are discussing the parole of cop killers and want respect,
Who are you to question their decisions, they say are correct?
No one seems to question their conduct as we all sit back and watch,
No one will say that this might be a complete parole board botch.

A court sentence should mean what it says -- not what the parole board says,
The judge's sentence can be abolished by bureaucrats these days,
When cop killers can demand their freedom yearly something is wrong,
Or is this when bureaucrats and lawyers break into song?

June 28th, 2010

Sunday, June 27, 2010

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Cancel Parole Boards 84
James Bredin

Canadians need binding referendums to bring about change,
Though this, our politicians will always refuse to arrange,
Changes will not be made by people but politicians and friends,
Therefore the people need binding referendums to change these trends.

Those who don't vote should have substantial added income tax,
Like in the Commonwealth of Australia where voting is not so lax,
This would unify our country because we would then play the game,
Voting for those we like or against those we hate if only in name.

The feds seem to have none or lost all parole board control,
So the powerful bureaucracies think that they are on a roll,
Where referendums are banned so there's no reason to change,
And cop killer prisoner can get parole and this is not strange.

June 27th, 2010

Friday, June 25, 2010

free counters

Cancel Parole Boards 83
James Bredin
I'm afraid I don't know these folk appointed to the Parole Board,
And neither do you though these unknowns seem to have scored,
In a huge Ottawa bureaucracy hidden behind a wall,
And they might let cop killers out of jail this summer or fall.

Their decisions are infallible or didn't you know?
Unquestionable pardons and parole that they often bestow,
To prisoners, criminals, rapists, cop killers and that type,
Though they seem to think that their way of doing things is right.

How can we stop parole boards from letting prisoners out of jail?
How can we stop them from giving pardons and easy silent bail?
Is our system of justice in jeopardy and are we still safe?
Why is this happening to us quietly, right in our face?

June 25th, 2010

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

free counters

Cancel Parole Boards 82
James Bredin
Forced to await events as they let convicts out of jail
Amid publicity bans as they give dangerous guys bail,
No referendums allowed because they are always right,
No need to vote because their decisions are always a delight.

The mere suggestion that we should change is probably a mortal sin
As pompous politicians assume that they will always win,
So there is no need to vote or even think about all this stuff,
Because parole boards opening prison doors is not that rough.

Because binding referendums could short circuit this affair,
You are forbidden to think about this and you don't even dare,
Canadians need binding referendums to bring about change,
But this is one thing our politicians refuse to arrange.
June 26th, 2010

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

free counters
The guy who wrote the blog

Saturday, June 19, 2010

free counters

Cancel Parole Boards 81
James Bredin

They're going to let cop killers out of jail and give others bail,
Quietly, quickly, secretly, with many hidden details,
And if you don't like it, they don't really give a damn,
It's just your idea that we could be headed for Bedlam.

Our court system and justice system may indeed be at risk,
From the National Parole Board who are authoritative and brisk,
Because the court sentences may not mean what the various judges' say,
Somewhere along the way our system may have gone astray.

No one seems to know, who should or who should not be ignored,
Hidden inside the vast bureaucracy of Parole Board,
Is it possible that someone in there may have lost control?
But the parole bureaucracies seem to think they're on a roll.

June 19th, 2010

Thursday, June 17, 2010

free counters

Cancel Parole Boards 80
James Bredin
If the judge says "Twenty five years," and the parole board says, "No,"
Who to believe and where does our system of justice go?
Who runs our system as so many cop killers get out of jail?
And is there something wrong when they can get publicity-banned bail?

Can we build bigger and better jails for these cop killer convicts?
Why does this idea cause such left wing and parole board conflicts?
And who's winning this contentious legal battle of right and wrong?
It's certainly not us as they leave prison singing a song.

Somehow somewhere along the way, our system of justice got bent,
And our haughty bureaucratic parole boardwill not relent,
Because, where we are going may not be the safest place in town,
With released prisoners and cop killers wanting to hang around.

June 17th, 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

free counters
Cancel Parole Boards 78
James Bredin

If you watch your MP, he will tell you what he wants you to hear,
Not about they're parole board because this is what you should fear,
Not about the system letting criminal cop killers out of jail,
Or giving others bail hidden behind publication ban details.

We have no binding referendums, euthanasia and can't change,
Can't vote for a senator or governor and this is not strange,
How dare you have an independent thought -- you who don't even vote,
You are merely a Canadian number with nothing to promote.

The system has slipped and no one seems ready to put things right,
The courtroom sentence is merely a parole board delight,
Instant arrangements for the new prisoner's release put in place,
Blatant powerful parole board can do it right in your face.
June 16th, 2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

free counters

Cancel Parole Boards 77
James Bredin

Violent criminals getting released on very secret bail,
Mandatory publication bans hide each disturbing tale,
So only very few people know what's really going on in the courts,
So it doesn't matter who is against this bail or who supports.

And cop killer prisoners can apply for parole every two years,
Good for lawyers and bureaucrats going to meet just like it appears,
While the victim's relatives have to relive the pain once more,
Hidden from the public view so no one really knows the score.

Canadians should have a law that requires them to vote,
That plus binding referendums so we know what to promote,
As they release and pardon prisoners and pretend they're doing good,
To the delight of every violent cop killing hood.

June 15th, 2010

Monday, June 14, 2010

free counters
Cancel Parole Boards 76
James Bredin

How can they access the risk of letting cop killers out of jail?
What release directions, do you think, would be appropriate?
How can you ensure the protection and safety of public folk?
Who is accountable within all this hidden do-good smoke?

Will this help us maintain a peaceful and safe society?
If you meet a cop killer on the street could it cause anxiety?
Is it true that breach of parole is not a Canadian offence?
Are we allowed to recognize this as a source of annoyance?

The list of offences committed by those released is long indeed,
Are our politicians too busy to read this or pay heed?
As the parole board releases prisoners here, there and everywhere,
And our politicians are soon in summer recess so take care.

June 14th, 2010

Sunday, June 13, 2010

free counters

Cancel Parole Boards 75
James Bredin

It's not just the parole board letting cop killers out of jail,
But we have no where to complain that will accept an e-mail,
The justice system is falling down and there's nothing we can do,
Ottawa parole board bureaucrats turning us into a zoo.

And all of this is happening, ongoing right before our eyes,
Trudeau's Charter of Rights they say with lots of activists guys,
Claiming this and that as they let more prisoners out of jail,
Sure, they say, you can if you're lucky, always send us an e-mail.

Canadian legal problems not recognized or identified,
Caught in the monster mesh of do-good bureaucratic pride,
Public input into the release process does not exist,
And if those released revert to their old ways we can't resist.
June 13th, 2010

Saturday, June 12, 2010

free counters

Cancel Parole Boards 74
James Bredin

If we had referendums, we could tell politicians what to do,
This is the reason they are forbidden and the media knew,
Except in Quebec where they have one every now and then,
They want their own independent representative at the UN.

Therefore binding referendums should not be forbidden,
We live in the illusion of democracy -- no kidding,
Where loud mouth politicians still decide what's right or wrong,
And parole board frees cop-killer prisoners and we go along.

We have to rewrite Trudeau's Charter and this time just for us,
Just for all Canadians, Quebec included without much fuss,
With binding referendums so we all have input where it counts,
Not just prisoner-release bureaucrats to any great amount.

June 12th, 2010

Friday, June 11, 2010

free counters
Cancel Parole Boards 73
James Bredin

The parole board is part of the justice system, they say,
Gives pardons and lets cop killers free from prison any day,
Therefore a judge's sentence to life in prison can be changed,
Certain prisoners can get out of jail and it's all rearranged.

And public input to this justice system does not exist,
The whole process seems to have been hijacked and given a twist,
You're not allowed and don't you dare think that this might be wrong,
The parole board is infallible so you better sing along.

And released prisoners can get a pardon for their crimes for free,
And all Canadians have no other options but to agree,
They assume that no more crimes will be committed by those released,
Let's hope that these actions do not cause any more deceased.

June 11th, 2010

Thursday, June 10, 2010

free counters

Cancel Parole Boards 72
James Bredin

You don't mind and you don't care and you don't even bother to vote,
Ottawa politicians like it because it makes them more remote,
As their pompous parole board let's cop killers out of jail,
And those already out, can get a free pardon without fail.

And no one can change a thing because they like the way things are,
MPs busy travelling taxing and spending and going afar,
The first question should be how to get rid of the parole board,
So cop killers stay in jail with the other criminal hoard.

The integrity of the justice system is being put at risk,
When bureaucrats at the parole board can do it and insist,
And allow human rights notions to take the place of common sense,
And the judge's sentence completely forgotten in the past tense.

June 10th, 2010

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

free countersCancel Parole Boards 70
James Bredin

When you didn't vote, you lowered yourself to the level of a nerd,
When you phoned the parole board, they thought you were absurd,
You have no power in Ottawa so you better hang up the phone,
Are you a party member or are you among the unknown?

They think of you as someone with a disposition that is sour,
No binding referendums, no vote and you have no power,
And the parole board will release all the prisoners that they like,
And you better stand by for another and another tax hike.

And if you meet a cop killer on the street, you can't complain,
That's against his Charter and human rights so you better refrain,
He could be enroute to get his pardon so you better show respect,
Handed out by the parole board and what do you expect?
June 9th, 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

free counters
Cancel Parole Boards 69
James Bredin

Parole boards are seldom mentioned and everyone goes along,
But 16 American states found out that there was something wrong,
So they cancelled their parole boards because they were allowed,
Can Canadians do that or are we under a cloud?

Why are our tormented politicians so reluctant to change?
Isn't releasing cop killers and murderers a little deranged?
Paroled cop killers, murderers and rapists out and about,
Waiting for their pardons and they never seem to have a doubt.

These released prisoners and cop killers have absolutely no fears,
With their pardons from the National Parole Board after five years,
This according to the Criminal Records Act is very sad,
Canadians caught in dilemma between ugly and bad.

June 8th, 2010

Monday, June 7, 2010

free counters
Cancel Parole Boards 68
James Bredin

It's probably easier to move a herd of mountain goats,
Than to organize what we the people need to promote,
To protect ourselves from paroled pardoned cop killers and thieves,
Or to demonstrate to the government that we have some peeves.

Because Ottawa is very busy doing parole board stuff,
Or passing out pardons, off CPIC and they never have enough,
We can't have capital punishment or referendums so shut up,
And don't you even mention again that this stuff might be rough.

Because politically correct soft left wingers are in charge,
Parole boards handing out pardons left and right by enlarge,
Secretly under the table where everything is kept quiet,
And very far away to discourage any thought of a riot.

June 7th, 2010

Sunday, June 6, 2010

free counters

Cancel Parole Boards 67
James Bredin

They let cop killers out of jail but wont give us referendums,
Their appointees on the parole boards all writing memorandums,
We the people will have to contend with cop killers on the street,
And we will have to behave ourselves and act very discreet.

What happens if these criminals revert to their illegal ways?
Does the government take responsibility for this malaise?
Or is that too covered under Trudeau's Charter of Rights?
Are we loosing our minds and has someone turned out all the lights?

Do parole boards have no responsibility or common sense?
For public safety and what can we do in our own defense?
We need referendums like the Swiss to influence decisions,
Maybe correct Trudeau's Charter and make some revisions.
June 6th, 2010

Saturday, June 5, 2010

free countersCancel Parole Boards 66
James Bredin

I am trying to make sense out of our parole board agenda,
Releasing murderers and cop killers in their propaganda,
Add that to the already lenient sentences and it's sad,
Nothing makes sense unless we recognize that we are mad.

Is the parole board indirectly responsible for the crimes?
Committed by these released prison criminals in future times,
Could the parole boards be considered as being partly liable?
Why are strange parole board decisions considered reliable?

While the parole board wants to let more murderers out of jail,
Are binding referendums all banned for fear they might fail?
Is the safety of Canadians being put in peril?
By appointed parole boards who seem to have us over a barrel,
June 5th, 2010

Friday, June 4, 2010

free counters

Cancel Parole Boards 65
James Bredin

We have a problem in that our politicians are so remote,
And of course they also know that we are so reluctant to vote,
They have their own party member votes and party agenda,
No need to think in the drum beat of party propaganda.

But we the people need influence in Ottawa for sure,
Because right now our no-vote influence is extremely poor,
We can't vote for a senator, governor or parole board,
We need binding referendums soon or pray to the Lord.

Because paroled cop killers and criminals are coming our way,
We have no influence in Ottawa and little to say,
Check parole boards out on Google if you have come this far,
We need to change things now because it's gone a little bizarre.

June 4th, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010

free counters

Cancel Parole Boards 64
James Bredin

State of Utah has firing squads for murderers; do they win?
Or is capital punishment a politically correct sin?
While Canadian parole boards allow cop killers out and free,
Maybe the members should also ask these murderers home for tea.

If sixteen American states have cancelled parole boards, should we?
Do we need binding referendums to get politicians to agree?
Does our parliamentary pantomime on TV mean nothing at all?
How do we get parliament to pass a ban-parole-boards law?

Why is the judge's sentence not really the sentence at all?
Why is the parole board allowed to interfere with the judge's call?
Why does no one realize that parole board interference is strange?
Why bother even having trials if the sentence can be changed?

June 3rd, 2010

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

free counters
Cancel Parole Boards 63
James Bredin

Being accountable for public safety should be a factor,
Why is agenda of parole boards such a social detractor,
Early release will relieve prison crowding they sometimes claim,
Then build bigger and better prisons I say and no ones to blame.

The rights of the public to be safe should outweigh their agenda,
Despite overwhelming media biased parole-board propaganda,
In order to have input we need binding referendums now,
Though entrenched Ottawa establishment refuse to allow.

Should we have to wait until after the crimes are committed?
By those released on early parole and were never acquitted,
Do we have to get hit on the head to know something is wrong?
Why can't we leave murdering cop killers where they belong?
June 2nd, 2010

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

free counters
Cancel Parole Boards 62
James Bredin

Many countries don't have parole boards and they know why,
They don't like criminals and cop killers and others who apply,
To be allowed out of prison to pretend amid social anxiety,
As though they could arrange the safety of society.

It seems we are cursed by released criminals and pedophile priests,
Unable to change, get help, demonstrate or call the police,
And then it gets worse because Canadians seldom vote,
While pompous parole board bureaucrats have us by the throat.

Could binding referendums relieve all this social stress?
And why is the Ottawa establishment overlooking this mess?
Why are politicians and media involved in something else?
Does any politician know or care about all this process?

June 1st, 2010