Cancel Parole Boards 80
James Bredin
If the judge says "Twenty five years," and the parole board says, "No,"
Who to believe and where does our system of justice go?
Who runs our system as so many cop killers get out of jail?
And is there something wrong when they can get publicity-banned bail?
Can we build bigger and better jails for these cop killer convicts?
Why does this idea cause such left wing and parole board conflicts?
And who's winning this contentious legal battle of right and wrong?
It's certainly not us as they leave prison singing a song.
Somehow somewhere along the way, our system of justice got bent,
And our haughty bureaucratic parole boardwill not relent,
Because, where we are going may not be the safest place in town,
With released prisoners and cop killers wanting to hang around.
June 17th, 2010