Cancel Parole Boards 75
James Bredin
It's not just the parole board letting cop killers out of jail,
But we have no where to complain that will accept an e-mail,
The justice system is falling down and there's nothing we can do,
Ottawa parole board bureaucrats turning us into a zoo.
And all of this is happening, ongoing right before our eyes,
Trudeau's Charter of Rights they say with lots of activists guys,
Claiming this and that as they let more prisoners out of jail,
Sure, they say, you can if you're lucky, always send us an e-mail.
Canadian legal problems not recognized or identified,
Caught in the monster mesh of do-good bureaucratic pride,
Public input into the release process does not exist,
And if those released revert to their old ways we can't resist.
June 13th, 2010