Advice to His Holiness the Pope
James Bredin
Your excellency, your highness or whatever you’re called,
Your paedophile priests have left this once pious Christian appalled,
Crimes not reported and hidden by various bishops for years,
Even the Mafia couldn’t pull this off and have no fears.
So you should change some pompous church rules before it’s too late,
Have another conference or some Vatican 3 debate,
Insist that all priests should be told and allowed and get one wife,
Insist pedophile priests be reported be put in jail for life.
Female priests should be allowed and encouraged in this day and age,
But they should have husbands to avoid a lesbian phase,
And the widows of priests should be helped and supported by the church,
And not left by herself with her kids and family in the lurch.
Sept 25th, 2010