Eventual Euthanasia
James Bredin
Are human rights or Charter rights to death with dignity here?
Or is this frightful subject, illegal and forbidden to appear?
As though we should deny and refuse to discuss our deaths,
As though this will never happen that we will take our last breaths.
They say that the doctors will ensure that you don't die in pain,
They wouldn't lie about that, would they or is this all in vain?
Euthanasia is totally forbidden by the Ottawa elites,
Those who sit in Parliament in those high wooden tiered seats.
I'm worried because I don't have a choice in the way I'll die,
Although I'd like to die from old age, and I'll tell you why,
Maybe by then the politicians will have woken up and changed,
And throw out the present system that's obviously deranged.
Sept 10th, 2010