B.C. Supreme Court and Polygamy
James Bredin
Just another result of Trudeau’s flawed and cursed Charter of Rights,
Could be hundreds of polygamous wives on incoming flights,
I don’t think any man can afford more than one wife,
Especially twenty or thirty for the rest of his life.
It doesn’t make much sense in the real world where we all live,
But will our soft Canadian system, bow down and forgive?
If BC Supreme Court allows polygamy, we’re in deep chyt,
And all those strange guys in Bountiful BC will benefit.
And Trudeau’s Charter of Rights can’t be changed so they all say,
Don’t even think about it and don’t try so just walk away,
Should the wives they can’t afford, be allowed to go on welfare?
Are we a country that badly needs to come up for air?
Nov 22nd, 2010