James Bredin
There was a time when my friends and neighbors were all alive and well,
But that was long ago before god started to ring his bell,
I’m not pleased about these events because my friends are now mostly dead,
How much time do I have left and in other words, how far ahead?
Logic and reasonable health says I might still have a few more years,
But no one in his right mind knows for sure and this could cause some fears,
And euthanasia or arranged death is strictly forbidden here,
Therefore I can’t schedule this dreadful event while the pompous leer.
No propositions or judicial reviews -- nothing at all
But politicians in Ottawa don’t care nor do they at City Hall,
We have no binding referendums or plebiscites to wake them up,
They do a lot of talking and then they know how to screwup.
Nov 15th, 2010