ARE INEVITABLE Mar 19th, 2012
Referendums are banned though our
politicians would deny,
The people have little or no input
and no one knows why,
Therefore we should have binding
referendums like the Swiss,
Where the people have influence and
it’s not hit or miss.
Therefore we should rewrite the
Constitution and get it right,
And tell the entrenched aristocrats
to turn on the lights,
Recognize that voting should be an
essential thing to do,
With social numbers or an added
fine at tax time put through.
The entrenched Ottawa autocrats
oppose all Charter change,
Quietly secretly so changes are
difficult to arrange,
They have the power and the
influence and want to keep it that way,
And no Canadian including you has
anything to say.
Change is inevitable like the
weather and the tide,
Though aristocrats and bureaucrats
deny this and hide,
In a country where binding
referendums are forbidden,
And new ideas and poems like this
will be hidden.
19th, 2012