LEARN CHINESE July 11th, 2012
If it was Gaelic they were
speaking I might catch a word or two,
But Toronto has turned
Chinese and I don’t have a clue,
So I think I should learn
Mandarin and then we can get along,
I don’t know; but is that the
language they speak in Hong Kong?
I just looked it up on the
Internet and found out to my surprise,
They have more than a hundred
languages so I can’t improvise,
Has an English-speaking
Canadian ever learned Chinese?
Which is easier to learn –
Mandarin or Cantonese?
Years ago, I thought of
becoming bilingual and learning French,
But Canada is has gone
multicultural down a communication trench,
And now I have to find out
where they teach easy Chinese,
And maybe eventually, I can
pretend I’m Cantonese.
July 11th, 2012