The Americans and Canadians should talk about the border,
We’re lucky the long lineups of traffic have not caused chaos and disorder,
Can we protect ourselves from ourselves without the harassment?
Quietly without a big officious assignment announcement.
Surely someone can figure out a way to do this quicker,
Without another ten miles of regulations about liquor,
Or have more border agents checking cars, trucks and folks,
How important can it be if someone smuggles a few smokes?
Is it possible to get rid of the border completely somehow?
Where shoppers can come and go to those stores that are cash cows,
In this era of computers and credit cards and god knows what else,
There has to be a way, though I must be running on impulse.
And my snowbird friends who go to Florida each year would be pleased,
Their coming and going twice a year would be greatly eased,
Unfortunately we have appointees and employees who say “No.”
Guess we’ll have to get used to the lineup going to and fro.
Aug 14th, 2011