Sunday, December 25, 2011

WE EVENTUALLY DIE Dec 25th, 2011

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WE EVENTUALLY DIE Dec 25th, 2011

People are not pleased that at the end of their lives, they die,
And there’s nothing they can do about the pain and I don’t know why,
The idea of euthanasia is illegal and a sin,
So we may have awful painful deaths and we just can’t win.

Religion solved this problem by teaching about life after death,
This lessened the inevitable, so you can take a breath,
But still you can’t commit suicide because that’s against the law,
The Swiss have death with dignity and got around this flaw.

But politically correct politicians will not arrange,
But like the weather, if we wait long enough it will change,
As they delay delay and form another useless committee,
And still don’t realize that what they’re doing is a pity,

Dec 25th, 2011