Thursday, February 9, 2012


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New York Apocalypse 911

Those images will forever leave me in a bind:
Hijacked jet planes crashing buildings implanted in my mind,
Black holes of smoke and flame way up in the sky,
New York version of apocalypse as 5000 waved good-bye.

Kinfolk cornered in infinity concerned about their lives,
Frantic fear in a furnace thinking brothers sisters wives,
The horror of this terror turned everyone a hero,
Among the firemen and policemen dead at ground zero.

And those of us who were not there but watched it on TV,
It changed our lives together to no small degree,
As we watched those blocks of buildings crumble to the ground,
Turned the center of New York to a stinking smoldering mound.

So we got those little flags -- the stars and stripes forever,
To express our feelings of sympathy, we had to stick together,
But the pain and anguish lingered with sorrow and depression,
Who stabbed us in the heart -- no one made a confession.

President Bush came on TV and told us 'bout Afghanistan,
And the rag-head band Taliban with their very scary battle plan,
With their leader called Ben Laden and their suicide attacks,
Navy Seals got this tinker terrorist so now we can relax.

We will never be the same again because of this man's mania,
Amid the wreckage and the debris in Washington and Pennsylvania,
Let's hope we stay together and keep this continent tight,
From petty party politicians and terrorists on a flight.

Feb 9th, 2012