WE NEED TO GET LUCKY Feb 26th, 2012
Stephen Harper, we need to get lucky and soon, for a change,
Compulsory voting and binding referendums; so please arrange,
And don’t sidestep in Chretien-Mulroney-Clark type of sleaze.
We need someone in charge up in far-away Ottawa, please.
Your predecessors didn’t do or say anything we can quote,
No referendums or death with dignity or compulsory votes,
We will get lucky if you can impose these changes soon,
Even after you leave, your name will be up there with the moon.
And while you’re at it; think pompous Supreme Court changes too,
If we could vote for them, you wouldn’t need a secret-list stew,
I realize that Trudeau’s Charter lawyers are banging at the door,
And unfortunately you too will eventually say au revoir.
Feb 26th, 2012