Saturday, December 29, 2012

SCANDALS ... DEC 29TH, 2012

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SCANDALS   … DEC 29TH, 2012


These scandals; hidden for centuries by bishops and popes,
Left us in the dark in confession boxes, on the ropes,
And even now as we stare mesmerized; we don’t know what to do,
As they take off their Roman collars and say everything is new.

Hey: Maybe you can help me because I think, I’ve lost the faith,
I apologize; I didn’t realize; that there is no debate,
Maybe this poem is a sacrilege and I should be on my knees,
Beg for forgiveness; never displease and try to appease.

I’m afraid I might turn Protestant but that could be even worse,
Than those pompous pedophile Catholic priests and their curse,
But I was just a number among the billions who believed,
That those in flashy vestments could never have deceived.

DEC 29TH, 2012