Monday, February 20, 2012


free counters

Appointment to the Canadian Supreme Court
Where does she come from; somewhere over there;
Near the pizzeria at Dufferin and St Clair.
They say she knows English or maybe it is French,
And now she’s been appointed to the Supreme Court Bench.

She took a course at night school two years ago today,
She’s politically correct and made the secret list that way.
She has a hidden agenda and belongs to certain groups.
These multicultural activists types have several known kooks.

And now dear sir, your questions; they’re causing certain strife.
She’s a single mother with connections and her appointment is for life.
That’s all you’re allowed to know and that law’s written down,
And soon she’ll be wearing that red and white gown.

What do you mean, she doesn’t stand for anything at all?
She has a paper from night school hanging on her wall.
How much does it take to decide a Charter case?
A red gown and a stool and a scowl on your face.

She’s at home right now reading the Charter.
She says it covers everyone - terrorists or martyrs,
Her appointment is final; Canadians if you please,
With no referendums or death with dignity so get on your knees.