This blog is written for Canadians. Although, if you are not a Canadian, you may find it interesting. So read on.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Euthanasia and You
James Bredin
They're having euthanasia hearings in Quebec of all places,
Far away from us, over there, and kept out of our faces,
Our politicians are forbidden to talk or think about that,
Therefore none of our politicians will get up and go to bat.
We need a US type tea party or two to walk tall,
For referendums, proportional representation and recall,
And euthanasia for those painfully dying or those near dead,
Why is this something that our bureaucrats seem to dread?
Health care for the comatose and near dead is extremely high,
Dreadful information kept far away from the public eye,
Daily dialysis for hopelessly comatose makes no sense,
As they study EU statistics and forget dollars and cents.
Sept 14th, 2010